About the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations

The mission of the EI Consortium is to advance research and practice of emotional and social intelligence in organizations through the generation and exchange of knowledge. The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (CREIO) is currently made up of 11 core members and 115 additional members who are individuals with a strong record of accomplishment as applied researchers in the field. There also are four organizational and corporate members. The Consortium was founded in the spring of 1996 with the support of the Fetzer Institute. Its initial mandate was to study all that is known about emotional intelligence in the workplace.

Emotional Intelligence at Work

Social and personal competencies are vital for a healthy and productive life. Self-awareness, optimism, and empathy can enhance satisfaction and productivity at work and in other aspects of life. The workplace is the ideal setting for the promotion of these competencies in adults because work plays a central role in their lives. Not only do most of us spend the largest portion of our waking time at work, but our identity, self-esteem, and well-being are strongly affected by our work experiences.

The workplace also is an ideal place for promoting social and emotional competencies because it often is there that people feel their lack most keenly. When people realize that social and emotional abilities hold the key to greater career success, they become eager to develop those abilities. At the same time, as employers recognize that their profit depends on the emotional intelligence of their employees, they become amenable to launching programs that will increase it.

Research Projects

The following research projects and partnerships have been established by the Consortium.
Model Programs Project: One of the first projects was to identify empirically-supported models of best practice for developing emotional intelligence. To date, the Consortium has identified 15 such models. Descriptions of the model programs identified by the Consortium are listed on this web site. The Consortium continues to be interested in programs that are intended to promote at least one of the five dimensions of emotional intelligence described by Daniel Goleman in his books, Emotional Intelligence and Working with Emotional Intelligence. The five dimensions are self-monitoring, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills. In looking for models, the consortium is interested in not only specific programs but also whole organizations -- profit and nonprofit -- that value the nurturing of social and emotional competence.

Practice Guidelines: Another project of the Consortium was to develop a set of practice guidelines for organizations that want to excel in this area. To view the guidelines for best practice click here. These guidelines are based on an exhaustive review of the research on training and development in organizations, behavior change, and social and emotional learning. A technical report describing the research studies on which the guidelines are based also can be accessed through this web page. Click here to view the technical report.

Research Partnerships: Another goal of the Consortium is to stimulate intellectual inquiry and research partnerships focusing on the measurement and promotion of emotional intelligence in organizations. During the last few years we have expanded CREIO to include corporate and organizational members as well as individual researchers. Together, they have formed partnerships and charted new territory in the application of emotional intelligence to organizations. Click here for additional information on joining CREIO. Listed below is a sample of the types of research that has been conducted by CREIO members with either current or former organizational members of the Consortium.

1.  The Defense Finance Accounting Service (U.S. Federal Government)  -- Several members of CREIO (Lyle Spencer, Richard Boyatzis, and Cary Cherniss) helped them to design a management training program based on CREIO’s guidelines for best practice (See, Cherniss, Goleman, Emmerling, Cowan, & Adler, 1998)

2.  Johnson & Johnson Standards of Leadership Study -- Dottie Brienza and Kathy Cavallo, with help from Cary Cherniss and other members of CREIO, did a study of the company's 360 leadership survey.  The goal was to determine how much of EI was covered in their current competency model and how well the EI competencies predicted performance.  Kathy Cavallo and Steve Wolff from Hay Group have now completed a 5-year follow-up.  See link below for additional information.

3. American Express Financial Advisors: CREIO helped evaluate the Emotional Competence Training for Financial Advisors and publicize guidelines for implementing EI-based programs in corporations.

4. Ameriprise Financial Advisors: Robert Emmerling and Lyle Spencer, in collaboration with Think2Perform, conducted an EI-based competency study to determine the specific EI competencies associated with client portfolio performance.

5.  Johnson & Johnson Team Study -- Vanessa Druskat and Steve Wolff worked with senior leadership to design and conduct a study on the factors that contributed to outstanding team performance throughout the company. 







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